                                                                        JULY  Newsletter

   Satisfaction Guaranteed!
     An airline pilot had a peculiar habit.  Whenever he took off from his hometown, he would ask the co-pilot to take the controls.  Then he would stare out the window.  Finally the co-pilot’s asked, “What do you always look at down there?”
     “See that boy fishing on the river bank,” the pilot replied.  “I used to fish from that same spot when I was a kid.  Whenever a plane flew over, I would watch it until it disappeared and wish that I could be a pilot.”  With a sigh he added, “Now that I’m a pilot, I wish that I could be back down there fishing!”
     We all have our own personal hopes, dreams, and desires.  There is nothing wrong with wanting a holiday, or a different job or other earthly goal.  The problem is that often we are tempted to want things that we shouldn’t.
     A woman who has grown tired of her husband’s habits begins to long for a new spouse. A man unhappy because he isn’t making as much money as his neighbour schemes how he can get someone fired to replace him in the corporate ladder.  Driven by a lust for pleasure and wealth people desire fulfilment.  Instead, what they receive is emptiness and heartache.
     Scripture reveals where true satisfaction can be found:  “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4).
     When our desires are in harmony with God’s will, we won’t waste time longing for things we shouldn’t have.  Real satisfaction comes from knowing that all our hopes, dreams, and desires are fulfilled through faith in Jesus. He guarantees us God’s love & forgiveness. He assures us of a perfect home in heaven.  His love is the source of our joy, hopes, and satisfaction.
     While others may try to find satisfaction in their mad rush for earthly pleasure, we can look to Jesus and find our life’s fulfilment and satisfaction by continuing in His Word and Sacrament.  Trust in Him.  You won’t be disappointed.  Through Him satisfaction is guaranteed - forever!
Individual Communion Rather than setting aside a specific date, we’ll ask our members who desire individual communion to contact Pastor Schultz to set an appointment. This way we can make communion available to all our members who may not be able to attend Sunday or on the specified individual communion date. What a blessing the Lord comes to us with His body and blood as we come to Him for spiritual rest in the sacrament. Please contact Pastor at or 587-888-2357.
Sunday School  concludes June 23. We are thankful for the following Sunday school teachers this past year: Cassandra Schultz (Doreen Rabel); Laura Martin (Sunnie Leishman, Lisa Reinhardt), Suzanne Nitschke, (Lisa Reinhardt), Melissa Schultz (Doris Archer) and Jim Carlile (Tim Puhlmann). Music – Cheryl Schultz, Amelia Zavagnin, Doris Archer.
Vacation Bible School is Monday – Friday, July 8-12,. 9:30 – Noon for ages 3-12. We have 23 students enrolled, ages 3-grade 6.
Pray for our Bible Camp that the Lord will bless the students, teachers, and helpers with faith and joy in Jesus.
Vacation Bible School Check Up Meeting for our teachers and helpers is July 7 after our 20 minute Bible study. Teachers and helpers, please join us to ensure we have all our ministry plans completed.
Summer Sunday Bible Study Begins June 30. We’ll have our “20 minute” Bible study in the sanctuary after worship. We’ll dismiss for fellowship and then gather back in the sanctuary. Our summer lessons will continue the theme, “Growing in Grace.”
Charity Project For the “craft” on Thursday of our VBS week, the students will pack hampers for Hope Mission and include a scriptural encouragement or Bible colouring page. To bring items for this project, please use the sign-up genius that has been sent out or contact Heidi Zavagnin. Thank you!
Sign up for VBS Snacks and Charity Project items:
Mountain View Members: Vacation Bible School Charity Project (
Quarterly Meeting Our quarterly meeting is Sunday, July 21 after worship. We’ll have our open forum, followed by the voters’ meeting as we review God’s blessings during the last quarter and plan our up-coming ministry under God’s grace.
Plans to welcome our new pastor, Pastor Jacob Klug :  We have retained an immigration lawyer, and he is confident we can get a work permit for Pastor Klug to come into Canada by the end of July. Once he is here with that permit, he can work on getting his permanent residency in Canada.
We’re planning his ordination and installation service as our next pastor for Sunday, August 11th, 4:00 p.m.  A fellowship meal will follow. Make plans to attend this service. An ordination is an inspirational service, with pastors from our neighbouring congregations participating in the rite of ordination. The Lord reminds us in a service like this how blessed we are to have His Word and Sacraments, a Bible-centred congregation filled with Christ’s love, and pastors, teachers, and staff ministers to serve in the public ministry of our Lord in our church body.
Retirement Fellowship for Pastor Schultz is Saturday, July 27, 1:00 – 6:00. Drop in anytime. We’ll have a barbecue at 3:30.  Please RSVP to Melissa Schultz,

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." ~ Matthew 11:28