What to Expect
  • The Lord will bless you when you worship at Mountain View. It may take a couple of Sundays to get accustomed to our way of worshiping God together. Services are outlined in our hymn book. They focus on readings from the Bible. There we hear God talk to us. Music and singing are important too as God touches our hearts through His Word connected to music. 

    The services usually include the following parts in a variety of forms:
    • The Opening: We call on the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as we come into His presence to worship Him.
    • Admitting sins and believing forgiveness: We acknowledge that we have not been or done what God expects. Then God's announcement of forgiveness through the pastor gives us His peace and joy.
    • Hymns or chants of praise: We sing hymns and chants or songs that are used by Christians throughout the world, drawing on the best from those who have gone before and those who compose music for Christ's Church today.
    • Bible readings: Selections from the Old Testament promises, Jesus' apostles, and from Jesus Himself in the gospels.
    • Sermon: Our pastor offers instruction and encouragement in a Bible based sermon. Expect God's guidance and grace to strengthen your faith, give you renewed joy and hope, and assure you of eternal life through Jesus.
    • Response to God's Word: We respond with offerings and prayers. Our offering supports our local and international ministry.
    • Lord's Supper: On the first and third Sundays of the month we celebrate this special meal. Because Jesus established it for his close-knit group of followers and wants us to receive it in faith and as a confession of our faith, we believe it is important to ask our visitors to study God's Word with us first before participating in this portion of the service. You'll be able to sit quietly in the pew during this time of quiet meditation, offer your personal prayers, or meditate on something you've heard in the service while Mountain View members come to the front for this special sacred meal.
    • Closing Blessings: We hear one last assurance of God's care.

    Our services use traditional forms and modern language and application. The traditional brings us the best from God's church through the ages. The contemporary brings God's promise and His will into our daily lives.

    How should I dress? Dress is a personal matter of worship before God. One may dress causally and rejoice that God accepts us as we are. Another may dress to reflect the awe and respect we have for our Lord. On any Sunday you may see running shoes and high heals, jeans and suits, open collars or ties. Simple dignity and humility will direct us when we come to the Lord for worship.

    Are visitors expected to give money? We receive an offering at our worship since our offerings reflect our faith in Jesus, our love for Him, and our desire to spread His message. However, visitors should feel no obligation to participate in the offering. You may wish at first to learn more about our ministry before considering an offering to God through our church.  Since offerings reflect our faith and love for God, no one dictates what each person is to give. 

    Do I have to stand up and say something? No, we want you to feel comfortable and at home visiting with us.  We promise to do all we can so you can learn about your Savior.  You may simply follow along and join in the spoken or sung portions as you feel comfortable.

    What if my child will be too noisy? We love having children at our services. If your child gets a bit restless, we have a room in the back where you can settle your child and still see and hear the service.

    What if I feel out of place? If you have a question, please ask someone for help. Don't hesitate to say, "I am new. What is this about?" We were all once in your position and needed help.

    What if I just want to watch at first, but I'm worried they will try to involve me or sign me up?  We believe that attending worship and committing to a Bible study to learn more about Christ and His church should be a voluntary thing. The most important thing is to trust in Jesus for forgiveness of sin and eternal life. You can take the time you need to evaluate and decide if you want further involvement.

    What if I say or do something wrong because I don't know much about the Bible? Church and Bible study are opportunities to grow in our knowledge of the Bible and faith in Jesus. You won't have to answer any questions or offer any comments on your own. Mountain View's members are ordinary people like yourself. We want to meet you as you are and help you know Jesus your Savior and trust in Him. 

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." ~ Matthew 11:28