Daily Devotion
When a dog hears you say outside or walk, you better be taking that dog for a walk!...View More >
Mountain View Lutheran Church welcomes you!
We invite you to learn more about your Savior with us.
We are...
Christ preaching - Through faith in Jesus Christ God gives us life in His love now and forever!
Bible Believing - God has revealed His unchanging truth for a changing world.
People Caring - Through our various ministries people of all ages find the blessings of Christian faith, hope, and love as they receive encouragement from God's Word and encourage one another.
Are You...
Searching for answers? Presently without a church home? Curious about who we are? We invite you to worship with us. Scripture lessons, hymns of faith, and an uplifting sermon message from God's Word highlight our worship, Sundays, 9:30 a.m.
Troubled? Have questions or doubts? Our pastor would be happy to meet with you and share with you guidance from God's Word. Please call the church office at (403) 242-5000 or contact our Pastor via email with your questions at mountainviewchurch@hotmail.com.
Looking for Christian instruction for your family? Bring your family to our Sunday Bible Hour, Sundays, 10:45 a.m. Through interactive study, discussion, and real-life application of the Bible God gives meaning to our lives, blesses our families, and gives us His strength for daily living. We also offer a children's message in our worship services, Holiday youth events, Catechism classes, teen youth events, and a Summer Bible Camp. Our mid-week "Spiritual Oasis" gives a spiritual lift for adults on Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. September - May